Virtually all metals exist as solids at room temperature. Mercury is the only metallic element that is a liquid under normal conditions. If cooled to 39°C, it does freeze to a solid. Liquid mercury is shiny and metalliclooking.

You have probably heard a fair amount about the toxicity of mercury. As a liquid, it is not especially toxic when swallowed since most of it passes through the body unchanged.

However, mercury vapor is highly toxic, as are all compounds of mercury that dissolve in water to form solutions. Once they enter the body, these forms of mercury can attack the brain and produce mental and physiological disturbances.

An incident in Texarkana, on the Texas–Arkansas border, illustrated the hazards of handling mercury. Two teenagers stole 40 pounds of liquid mercury from a site where it had been used to make neon lights.

They poured it over themselves and on floors in their homes, gave it out to friends, and even dipped cigarettes into the liquid and smoked them. Within days they began to exhibit the signs of mercury poisoning: coughing up blood, vomiting, breathing difficulties, and seizures.

The end result was that eight contaminated homes were evacuated, a family dog was killed by the vapors, and more than 170 people in the town and surrounding areas received medical treatment for mercury exposure.

Mercury poisoning was much more common in the 19th century when workers who used mercury to cure felt hats developed twitches, spoke incoherently, and drooled as a result of long-term exposure to mercury vapors.

These workers provided Lewis Carroll with a model for the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. These days, most of the mercury that enters the environment comes from the incineration of waste and sewage sludge, and the burning of coal.

Recently, scrapping cars without removing the elemental mercury used in light switches and other components was identified as a significant source of the element to the environment.

Until quite recently, an alloy that most people had an intimate acquaintance with was the material used to fill cavities in decayed teeth. You may be surprised to learn that mercury was one of the metals used to fill teeth.

Although mercury is a liquid at room and body temperatures, it forms many alloys, called amalgams, that are solid at normal temperatures. Those having melting points in the 60°C range are useful for fillings, since they can be placed in the decay cavity as a warm liquid metal without causing the patient pain.

The liquid assumes the cavity shape as it cools and solidifies in place. Dental amalgam combines mercury with silver, which imparts resistance to tarnishing and mechanical strength, and about half as much tin, which readily amalgamates with mercury.

When first placed in a tooth, and whenever the filling is involved in the chewing of food, a tiny amount of the mercury is vaporized. Some scientists believe that mercury exposure from this source causes long-term health problems in some individuals, but an expert panel of the U.S. National Institute of Health concluded that dental amalgams do not pose a health risk.

A recent study of adults found that no measure of exposure to mercury—whether the level of the element in the urine or the number of dental fillings—correlated with any measure of mental functioning or fine motor control.