In the period from 1916 to 1919, two Americans, G. N. Lewis and Irving Langmuir, and a German, Walther Kossel, advanced an important proposal about chemical bonding:

Something unique in the electron configurations of noble gas atoms accounts for their inertness, and atoms of other elements combine with one another to acquire electron configurations like those of noble gas atoms.

The theory that grew out of this model has been most closely associated with G. N. Lewis and is called the Lewis theory. Some fundamental ideas associated with Lewis s theory follow:

1. Electrons, especially those of the outermost (valence) electronic shell, play a fundamental role in chemical bonding.

2. In some cases, electrons are transferred from one atom to another. Positive and negative ions are formed and attract each other through electrostatic forces called ionic bonds.

3. In other cases, one or more pairs of electrons are shared between atoms. A bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms is called a covalent bond.

4. Electrons are transferred or shared in such a way that each atom acquires an especially stable electron configuration. Usually this is a noble gas configuration, one with eight outer-shell electrons, or an octet.

Lewis developed a special set of symbols for his theory. A Lewis symbol consists of a chemical symbol to represent the nucleus and core (inner-shell) electrons of an atom, together with dots placed around the symbol to represent the valence (outer-shell) electrons.

A Lewis structure is a combination of Lewis symbols that represents either the transfer or the sharing of electrons in a chemical bond.

In Lewis theory, we use square brackets to identify ions, as we did in equation (10.1). The charge on the ion is given as a superscript.

Lewis s work dealt mostly with covalent bonding, which we will emphasize throughout this chapter. However, Lewis s ideas also apply to ionic bonding, and we briefly describe this application next.

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