Unfortunately, atomic radius is hard to define. The probability of finding an electron decreases with increasing distance from the nucleus, but nowhere does the probability fall to zero, so there is no precise outer boundary to an atom.

We might describe an effective atomic radius as, say, the distance from the nucleus within which 95% of all the electron charge density is found, but in fact, all that we can measure is the distance between the nuclei of adjacent atoms (internuclear distance).

Even though it varies, depending on whether atoms are chemically bonded or merely in contact without forming a bond, we define atomic radius in terms of internuclear distance.

Because we are primarily interested in bonded atoms, we will emphasize an atomic radius based on the distance between the nuclei of two atoms joined by a chemical bond. The covalent radius is one-half the distance between the nuclei of two identical atoms joined by a single covalent bond.

The ionic radius is based on the distance between the nuclei of ions joined by an ionic bond. Because the ions are not identical in size, this distance must be properly apportioned between the cation and anion. One way to apportion the electron density between the ions is to define the radius of one ion and then infer the
radius of the other ion.

The convention we have chosen to use is to assign an ionic radius of 140 pm. An alternative apportioning scheme is to use as the reference ionic radius.

When using ionic radii data, one should carefully note which convention is used and not mix radii from the different conventions. Starting with a radius of 140 pm for the radius of Mg2+ can be obtained from the internuclear distance in MgO, the radius of from the internuclear distance in and the radius of from the internuclear distance in NaCl.

For metals, we define a metallic radius as one-half the distance between the nuclei of two atoms in contact in the crystalline solid metal. Similarly in a solid sample of a noble gas the distance between the centers of neighboring atoms is called the van der Waals radius.

There is much debate about the values of the atomic radii of noble gases because the experimental determination of the van der Waals radii is difficult; consequently, the atomic radii of noble gases are left out of the discussion of trends in atomic radii.

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