The Importance of Membrane Lipids

Membranes form boundaries around the cell and around distinct subcellular compartments. They act as selectively permeable barriers and are involved in signaling processes.

All membranes contain varying amounts of lipid and protein and some contain small amounts of carbohydrate.

In membranes the three major classes of lipids are the glycerophospholipids, the sphingolipids and the sterols. The glycerophospholipids have a glycerol backbone that is attached to two fatty acid hydrocarbon chains and a phosphorylated headgroup.

These include phosphatidate, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine. The sphingolipids are based on sphingosine to which a single fatty acid chain is attached and either a phosphorylated headgroup (sphingomyelin) or one or more sugar residues (cerebrosides and gangliosides, the glycosphingolipids).

The major sterol in animal plasma membranes is cholesterol, while the structurally related stigmasterol and β-sitosterol are found in plants.

The fatty acid chains of glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids consist of long chains of carbon atoms which are usually unbranched and have an even number of carbon atoms (e.g. palmitate C16, stearate C18).

The chains are either fully saturated with hydrogen atoms or have one or more unsaturated double bonds that are in the cis configuration (e.g. oleate C18:1 with one double bond).
Membrane lipids are amphipathic since they contain both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. In the glycerophospholipids and the sphingolipids the fatty acid hydrocarbon chains are hydrophobic whereas the polar headgroups are hydrophilic.

In cholesterol the entire molecule except for the hydroxyl group on carbon-3 is hydrophobic. In aqueous solution the amphipathic lipids arrange themselves into either micelles or more extensive bimolecular sheets (bilayers) in order to prevent the hydrophobic regions from coming into contact with the surrounding water molecules.

The structure of the bilayer is maintained by multiple noncovalent interactions between neighboring fatty acid chains and between the polar headgroups of the lipids. In biological membranes there is an asymmetrical distribution of lipids between the inner and outer leaflets of the bilayer.
Lipids are relatively free to move within the plane of the bilayer by either rotational or lateral motion, but do not readily flip from one side of the bilayer to the other (transverse motion). Increasing the length of the fatty acid chains or decreasing the number of unsaturated double bonds in the fatty acid chains leads to a decrease in the fluidity of the membrane.

In animal membranes, increasing the amount of cholesterol also decreases the fluidity of the membrane.

The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of biological membranes, in which the membranes are considered as two-dimensional solutions of orientated lipids and globular proteins.
Within biological membranes lipids and proteins cluster together in discrete domains. Lipid rafts are domains of the plasma membrane that are enriched in cholesterol, sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids, as well as lipid modified proteins.

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